Community Impact Assessment: Summary

1.  Name of service, policy, function or criteria being assessed:

Housing Hardship Fund


2.  What are the main objectives or aims of the service/policy/function/criteria?

To provide targeted financial support to assist City of York Council Tenants. It will help individuals and families meet rental payments where their finances are adversely affected due to COVID 19 issues from March 20th 2020 onwards.


This financial support will be available to all tenants working with partners who have/are experiencing severely reduced income and are unable to claim relevant benefits to make ends meet. The main focus of this funding is for unpaid rent and arrears (arrears predating COVID19 will not be taken into account) to help the tenant get on a more sound footing and minimise longer term debt.


3.  Name and Job Title of person completing assessment:

Julie Hood, Housing Equalities & Engagement Facilitator

4. Have any impacts been Identified? (Yes/No)



Community of Identity affected:



Summary of impact:


Targeted help for those unable to pay rent during the current crisis

5.   Date CIA completed:    17.07.20

6.   Signed off by:

7.   I am satisfied that this service/policy/function has been successfully impact assessed.

Name: Denis Southall

Position: Head of Housing

Date: 17.07.20

8.   Decision-making body:


Decision Details:



Send the completed signed off document to It will be published on the intranet, as well as on the council website.

Actions arising from the Assessments will be logged on Verto and progress updates will be required  




Community Impact Assessment (CIA)


Community Impact Assessment Title:

Housing Hardship Fund

What evidence is available to suggest that the proposed service, policy, function or criteria could have a negative (N), positive (P) or no (None) effect on quality of life outcomes? (Refer to guidance for further details)

Can negative impacts be justified? For example:  improving community cohesion; complying with other legislation or enforcement duties; taking positive action to address imbalances or under-representation; needing to target a particular community or group e.g. older people.       NB. Lack of financial resources alone is NOT justification!


Community of Identity: Age


Quality of Life Indicators

Customer Impact (N/P/None)

Staff Impact


Hardship grants are already provided by the Council and other services and help people through emergency situations to greater financial and personal stability. This is a proven method of targeting help.


Partner services can refer in to the scheme including Age Concern York.


Lower long term rent arrears / debt. Wider non-rent help and community support linked in to.



Details of Impact

Can negative impacts be justified?


Lead Officer

Completion Date

Further option of direct help with rent payments in the form of a lump sum payment to the rent account. This will be linked in to wider help around finances and other help to support individuals and families.




Targeted help with rent payments for CYC tenants has replaced a general refund of this year’s rent increase for all regardless of financial circumstances.

Denis Southall, Head of Housing

Date of Executive Member decision session (TBC)


Community of Identity: Carers of Older or Disabled People


Quality of Life Indicators

Customer Impact (N/P/None)

Staff Impact


Hardship grants are already provided by the Council and other services and help people through emergency situations to greater financial and personal stability. This is a proven method of targeting help.


Partner services can refer in to the scheme including those who support carers.


Lower long term rent arrears / debt. Wider non-rent help and community support linked in to.



Details of Impact

Can negative impacts be justified?


Lead Officer

Completion Date

Further option of direct help with rent payments in the form of a lump sum payment to the rent account. This will be linked in to wider help around finances and other help to support individuals and families.




Targeted help with rent payments for CYC tenants has replaced a general refund of this year’s rent increase for all regardless of financial circumstances.

Denis Southall, Head of Housing

Date of Executive Member decision session (TBC)


Community of Identity: Disability


Quality of Life Indicators

Customer Impact (N/P/None)

Staff Impact


Hardship grants are already provided by the Council and other services and help people through emergency situations to greater financial and personal stability. This is a proven method of targeting help.


Partner services can refer in to the scheme including those who support people with disabilities.


Lower long term rent arrears / debt. Wider non-rent help and community support linked in to.



Details of Impact

Can negative impacts be justified?


Lead Officer

Completion Date

Further option of direct help with rent payments in the form of a lump sum payment to the rent account. This will be linked in to wider help around finances and other help to support individuals and families.




Targeted help with rent payments for CYC tenants has replaced a general refund of this year’s rent increase for all regardless of financial circumstances.

Denis Southall, Head of Housing

Date of Executive Member decision session (TBC)









Community of Identity: Gender


Quality of Life Indicators

Customer Impact (N/P/None)

Staff Impact


Hardship grants are already provided by the Council and other services and help people through emergency situations to greater financial and personal stability. This is a proven method of targeting help.


Partner services can refer in to the scheme.


Lower long term rent arrears / debt. Wider non-rent help and community support linked in to.



Details of Impact

Can negative impacts be justified?


Lead Officer

Completion Date

Further option of direct help with rent payments in the form of a lump sum payment to the rent account. This will be linked in to wider help around finances and other help to support individuals and families.




Targeted help with rent payments for CYC tenants has replaced a general refund of this year’s rent increase for all regardless of financial circumstances.

Denis Southall, Head of Housing

Date of Executive Member decision session (TBC)


Community of Identity: Gender Reassignment


Quality of Life Indicators

Customer Impact (N/P/None)

Staff Impact


Hardship grants are already provided by the Council and other services and help people through emergency situations to greater financial and personal stability. This is a proven method of targeting help.


Partner services can refer in to the scheme including those supporting people who are gender reassigned.


Lower long term rent arrears / debt. Wider non-rent help and community support linked in to.



Details of Impact

Can negative impacts be justified?


Lead Officer

Completion Date

Further option of direct help with rent payments in the form of a lump sum payment to the rent account. This will be linked in to wider help around finances and other help to support individuals and families.




Targeted help with rent payments for CYC tenants has replaced a general refund of this year’s rent increase for all regardless of financial circumstances.

Denis Southall, Head of Housing

Date of Executive Member decision session (TBC)


Community of Identity: Marriage & Civil Partnership


Quality of Life Indicators

Customer Impact (N/P/None)

Staff Impact


Hardship grants are already provided by the Council and other services and help people through emergency situations to greater financial and personal stability. This is a proven method of targeting help.


Partner services can refer in to the scheme.

Lower long term rent arrears / debt. Wider non-rent help and community support linked in to.



Details of Impact

Can negative impacts be justified?


Lead Officer

Completion Date

Further option of direct help with rent payments in the form of a lump sum payment to the rent account. This will be linked in to wider help around finances and other help to support individuals and families.




Targeted help with rent payments for CYC tenants has replaced a general refund of this year’s rent increase for all regardless of financial circumstances.

Denis Southall, Head of Housing

Date of Executive Member decision session (TBC)



Community of Identity: Pregnancy / Maternity


Quality of Life Indicators

Customer Impact (N/P/None)

Staff Impact


Hardship grants are already provided by the Council and other services and help people through emergency situations to greater financial and personal stability. This is a proven method of targeting help.


Partner services can refer in to the scheme including those supporting those who are pregnant and new parents.

Lower long term rent arrears / debt. Wider non-rent help and community support linked in to.



Details of Impact

Can negative impacts be justified?


Lead Officer

Completion Date

Further option of direct help with rent payments in the form of a lump sum payment to the rent account. This will be linked in to wider help around finances and other help to support individuals and families.




Targeted help with rent payments for CYC tenants has replaced a general refund of this year’s rent increase for all regardless of financial circumstances.

Denis Southall, Head of Housing

Date of Executive Member decision session (TBC)


Community of Identity: Race


Quality of Life Indicators

Customer Impact (N/P/None)

Staff Impact


Hardship grants are already provided by the Council and other services and help people through emergency situations to greater financial and personal stability. This is a proven method of targeting help.


Partner services can refer in to the scheme including those supporting people from ethnic minorities.

Lower long term rent arrears / debt. Wider non-rent help and community support linked in to.



Details of Impact

Can negative impacts be justified?


Lead Officer

Completion Date

Further option of direct help with rent payments in the form of a lump sum payment to the rent account. This will be linked in to wider help around finances and other help to support individuals and families.




Targeted help with rent payments for CYC tenants has replaced a general refund of this year’s rent increase for all regardless of financial circumstances.

Denis Southall, Head of Housing

Date of Executive Member decision session (TBC)


Community of Identity: Religion / Spirituality / Belief


Quality of Life Indicators

Customer Impact (N/P/None)

Staff Impact


Hardship grants are already provided by the Council and other services and help people through emergency situations to greater financial and personal stability. This is a proven method of targeting help.


Partner services can refer in to the scheme including those supporting people of faith and no faith.

Lower long term rent arrears / debt. Wider non-rent help and community support linked in to.



Details of Impact

Can negative impacts be justified?


Lead Officer

Completion Date

Further option of direct help with rent payments in the form of a lump sum payment to the rent account. This will be linked in to wider help around finances and other help to support individuals and families.




Targeted help with rent payments for CYC tenants has replaced a general refund of this year’s rent increase for all regardless of financial circumstances.

Denis Southall, Head of Housing

Date of Executive Member decision session (TBC)


Community of Identity: Sexual Orientation


Quality of Life Indicators

Customer Impact (N/P/None)

Staff Impact


Hardship grants are already provided by the Council and other services and help people through emergency situations to greater financial and personal stability. This is a proven method of targeting help.


Partner services can refer in to the scheme including those supporting people of all sexual orientation.

Lower long term rent arrears / debt. Wider non-rent help and community support linked in to.



Details of Impact

Can negative impacts be justified?


Lead Officer

Completion Date

Further option of direct help with rent payments in the form of a lump sum payment to the rent account. This will be linked in to wider help around finances and other help to support individuals and families.




Targeted help with rent payments for CYC tenants has replaced a general refund of this year’s rent increase for all regardless of financial circumstances.

Denis Southall, Head of Housing

Date of Executive Member decision session (TBC)